Regional Species Conservation Assessment Project
In South Australia, a Regional Species Conservation Assessment Project was developed to help us understand and manage threatened species and ecological communities at a regional level.
The project provides a methodical and standardised way to assess and prioritise South Australia's native species. It offers a framework for assigning a conservation status (using IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria) and population trend for all native vertebrate animals and vascular plant species in each departmental region.
This enables us to rank species according to their level of threat and likelihood of extinction. The process is based on both quantitative and qualitative material. It makes use of the best available science and information, and the expertise of skilled people in various specialist areas.
The data from the project has several potential applications, including:
- identifying gaps in our knowledge on particular species
- identifying regionally threatened and declining species not previously identified
- park management and park management planning on a wide range of matters
- informing regional fire management plans and operations
- helping to identify threatening processes that affect a range of species
- encouraging a multi-species and landscape-scale management approach
- increasing awareness and interest in a broad range of threatened species.
Reports and data
1index to departmental region fauna data capture spreadsheet
2index to departmental region flora data capture spreadsheet