Dr Fleur Tiver
Fleur is an affiliated researcher with the State Herbarium. An arid-land plant ecologist, her research focuses on the population dynamics of rangeland shrubs and trees, particularly their responses to grazing by introduced herbivores.
Her current project is the taxonomy and ecology of Rytidosperma caespitosum (Poaceae) and allied species. Other research interests include the paleoecology of Cretaceous floras, arid land mine-site rehabilitation, and photography of native plants of South Australia.
Fleur has previously worked for the University of Adelaide Botany Department, Smithsonian Institution Department of Paleobiology in Washington DC, CSIRO Division of Tropical Crops & Pastures in Townsville, and then as a senior lecturer at the University of South Australia School of Sustainable Ecology. She is a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Arid Environments, and also a member of the Australian Ecological Society, Ecological Society of America (as an ESA Certified Practising Ecologist), and the Australian Rangeland Society (National Vice-President 1997-99). She was the ecologist appointed by the Minister of Environment to the South Australian Pastoral Board (1991-93).
Research expertise
Biodiversity discovery
Species and populations
Climate change
Ecological processes
Seascapes, landscapes and communities