Pastoral Board

The Pastoral Board of South Australia is responsible to the Minister for Climate, Environment and Water for the administration of the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989.

The board provides policy and general advice when requested by the Minister.

Members of the Pastoral Board

Members of the Pastoral Board are appointed under the Pastoral Land Management and Conservation Act 1989. The six Pastoral Board members are appointed for up to a 3-year term and come from a range of backgrounds.

Collectively the board has an extensive knowledge of the administrative, environmental and economic pastoral issues faced in the South Australian pastoral lands.

The Pastoral Board appointments are:


Deputy members

  • Vicky Linton (Deputy to Roger Wickes)
  • Katherine Tuft (Deputy to John Read)
  • Joyleen Booth (Deputy to Lisa Edwards)
  • Fiona Warwick (Deputy to Anne Collins)
  • Ian Morris (Deputy to Andrew Smart)
  • Peter Copley (Deputy to Emily Jenke)

Pastoral Board News

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Pastoral Board Strategic Plan 2023-25

The Pastoral Board has developed a Strategic Plan to guide its work. The plan, developed through consultation with key stakeholders, outlines the Board’s vision, goals and strategic outcomes and can be viewed here.

Pastoral Board policies and forms

The board's policy work is guided by the Policy Framework 2021 (PDF 282.4 KB).

Waterpoints on pastoral leases

Pastoralists have indicated that it is sometimes unclear how their Pastoral Act responsibilities interact with other legislation on key matters, such as development of waterpoints, and when approvals may be required and from whom.

To address this, the Pastoral Board has collaborated with SA Arid Lands Landscape Board, the Native Vegetation Branch and the Department for Environment and Water’s water division to develop a joint information sheet regarding approvals for waterpoint developments on pastoral land.

This document aims to provide lessees with guidance as to what approvals may be required for installation of new, or modification of existing waterpoints and associated infrastructure and the relevant key contacts.

The Pastoral Unit is continuing to work with the Native Vegetation Branch to document more specific and common scenarios of waterpoint developments (i.e. installation, relocation and modification) to provide landholders with greater clarity of approvals required under the Native Vegetation Act 1991.

The Pastoral Board is also working with the Native Vegetation Council to clarify how grazing is treated under the Native Vegetation Act, such as with regard to resuming grazing on an area that has been ungrazed for more than 10 years. This will help provide greater certainty to pastoralists to conduct their business.

Annual reports

More information


Pastoral Board of SA
Phone: (08) 8429 0333