First Nations partnerships in water resource planning
Freshwater systems are fundamental to Aboriginal cultures and identities and First Nations have profound perspectives and understanding of water across the South Australian landscape. This is increasingly being recognised through state and national water policy and planning.
Through the implementation of the Basin Plan we are building new relationships with First Nations that aim to better recognise and give effect to First Nations’ water interests.
The state’s 3 draft water resource plans identify First Nations' water objectives and desired outcomes and commit to ongoing engagement in the SA Murray-Darling Basin in water policy and planning processes.
These shifts have led to greater First Nations' input into the amendment and review of water allocation plans across the Basin and is influencing water reform across the state.
How we are working with Nations
DEW has taken a nation-based approach to working with First Nations, guided by protocols (see Ngarrindjeri Statement of Commitment as an example) and through self-determined Nation-based structures.
Our Basin Plan engagement is also funding identified Water Coordinator roles in the Ngarrindjeri Regional Authority and River Murray and Mallee Aboriginal Corporation to assist in the engagement process and support the capacity of their host organisations.
Recent news and videos
A regularly updated library of stories, videos and publications relating to our First Nations’ partners.
- Basin Plan Amendment – Indigenous water commitments (section 3) (2018)
- Amended Peake, Roby and Sherlock Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan (2018)
- Amended Mallee Prescribed Wells Area Water Allocation Plan (2017)
- A new direction for water management? by Hemming et al. (2017)
- Adaptive Governance of Water Resources by Cosens & Chaffin (2016)
- We are water people video (2016)
- Murray-Darling Basin Aboriginal Nations Workshop video (2016)
Contact us
If you would like more information or would like to involved in this engagement process please contact Vincent van Uitregt on 8463 7699 or