Media contacts
If you are a member of the news media with an enquiry about the department, email (only monitored during business hours) or contact:
Media Manager - Chris Day
0416 373 063
Senior Media Advisor - Nick Grimm
0467 795 640
Go to Environment SA News for the latest Department for Environment and Water news.
Go to upcoming prescribed burns for latest information about prescribed burning.
The news media should contact for permission to photograph or film (including the use of a drone) in national parks.
Filming or photography for commercial purposes
If you are planning to undertake any filming or still photography in South Australia’s parks and reserves for commercial purposes*, then under Section 35 of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 and Regulation 36(a) of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2016 you may require a Commercial Filming Agreement or Photography Permit.
To enquire about your intended filming or photography activity, please contact Parks Licensing and Events on (08) 8204 9060 or
In all cases it is a requirement that the Guidelines for Commercial Filming and Photography in Parks are followed.
* Filming or photography is defined as “commercial” when the intention is to promote a product or service and/or achieve financial gain from the filming or photography.