Significant Environmental Benefit Grants
The Native Vegetation Council (NVC) are pleased to offer landowners two opportunities to apply for funding to restore and protect native vegetation on their land.
NVC Restoration Grants 2024-2026
Restoration grants are for long term (5 - 10 year) projects that will provide a significant benefit to native vegetation by improving condition and increasing protection through a new Heritage Agreement. As such, these grants are not available for areas that are already protected e.g. by Heritage Agreement.
Grant rounds will be offered twice a year and will be open to select regions each round.
Round One was available to landowners in Northern and Yorke, Eyre Peninsula and SA Arid Land Landscapes SA regions and to date has resulted in 8 successful applications sharing $5.59 million to restore 17,307 hectares of native vegetation.
Round Two is now open to landowners in Murraylands and Riverland, Limestone Coast and Hills and Fleurieu and will close on the 16 May 2025.
To find out more about the grants, please attend one of the free online or face to face pop up sessions and read the guidelines and information below.
Online Sessions:
- 4 March 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
- 5 March 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm
- 17 March 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Berri Landscapes SA Office, 28 Vaughan Terrace, Berri
- 18 March 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Murray Bridge Landscapes SA Office, Unit 5-6, Level 1 Sturt Centre, 2 Sturt Reserve Road, Murray Bridge
- 25 March 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm Naracoorte Library, Alexandra Room, 93 Smith St, Naracoorte
- 26 March 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm Meningie RSL, 28 Narrung Rd, Meningie
- 27 March 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Mt Barker Community Centre, 3 Dumas St, Mount Barker
To register for an online session please contact the Native Vegetation Branch: or (08) 8303 9777. You do not need to register for a pop up session, just come along.
To talk about your site and ideas, please contact the Native Vegetation Branch on the details above.
Grant Guides and Information:
- NVC Restoration Grant Guide 2024 - 2026
- NVC Restoration Grant Round 2 February 2025
- NVC Restoration Application Form - For drafting purposes*
- NVC Grant Monitoring Supplement
- NVC Grants Revegetation Plan
- NVC Additional Landholder Information Sheet
To Apply:
Applications are to be submitted online through SmartyGrants. Click here when you are ready to start your application. Note, you can log in, draft and edit your application any time prior to hitting the submit button.
To view a copy of the Application Form please click here.
NVC Heritage Agreement Incentive Grants 2024-2026
The Native Vegetation Council (NVC) are offering Incentive Grants to landowners wanting to establish a new Heritage Agreement or expand an existing Heritage Agreement.
These grants will fund short term (1 - 5 years) projects that help to protect native vegetation and enhance its condition.
To find out more information head over to the Heritage Agreement webpage.
About Significant Environmental Benefit (SEB) Grants
Money is paid into the Native Vegetation Fund by people who have cleared native vegetation and need to provide an SEB. To offset the clearance, NVC use this money to restore and protect native vegetation through SEB grants.
The NVC consider SEB grant applications based on the principles and objectives for establishing an SEB area outlined in the Policy for Significant Environmental Benefit and any grant specific outcomes.
Some grant rounds are for specific restoration activities or specific regions of the state. The Guidelines for each grant round will detail the focus area or activities for that round.
There is an expectation that the investment will be effective for a long term and projects should demonstrate how you plan to maintain the project into the future.
Some grant funding rounds are for specific restoration activities only. For example, if money is paid into the Native Vegetation Fund for clearance of a threatened ecological community, grant applicants may be required to demonstrate that their proposal will benefit that particular community.
What has been funded to date?
Since its introduction in 2009, the Native Vegetation Council has supported 74 critical projects across the eight Landscape regions through Significant Environmental Benefit Grants. Over $16.9 million has been committed to conservation enhancement and landscape management works in an effort to improve biodiversity. For a list of all the projects supported through SEB grants, you can view the SEB Grant Summary.
Contact us
To find out more about SEB Grants please send us an email at or call (08) 8303 9777.
You may also use this email to join the NVC contact list to be kept up to date with changes to grants and consultation opportunities.