A traineeship consists of a paid training and work placement at entry level for 12 months or longer. The trainee completes a training program through a registered organisation (such as TAFE SA) while learning new skills in the workplace.
An eligible candidate for a traineeship will have the following characteristics:
- aged between 17 and 30 (inclusive)
- up to 35 years if you identify as Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander or as having a declared disability
- be a South Australian resident
- be an Australian Citizen, or have an appropriate work visa
- without vocational education and training (VET) (higher than a Certificate III), or tertiary qualifications
- have not completed a traineeship within the South Australian Public Sector previously, or one hosted by the South Australian Public Sector
- not currently a South Australian Public Sector employee
- if you were once a South Australian Public Sector employee who accepted a TVSP, you are not eligible to be re-employed in the South Australian Public Sector:
- for a period coinciding with the number of weeks of the payment to them as part of the TVSP, from the effective date of the termination of their employment by resignation; unless
- the individual repays to the Crown a sum equivalent to the number of weeks’ pay or part of a week remaining in the nominal period by reference to the number of weeks’ remuneration paid to them upon the termination of their employment by resignation.
The Department has recruited trainees in areas such as administration and horticulture.
Traineeship opportunities are advertised on the iworkforSA website.