Animal encounters

Pelican breeding large

How innovative technology is helping us understand the Coorong’s birdlife

Pelicans are breeding in the Coorong, which tells us lots about the health of the area. Here’s what it means.

20 Mar. 2019 5 min read

Glossy black cockatoos large

Learn about SA’s glossy black-cockatoo

Learn about South Australia’s endangered glossy black-cockatoo for World Wildlife Day. Here’s all you need to know.

01 Mar. 2019 3 min read

Bat rescue effort large

How animal rescuers handled Adelaide’s flying fox population during our hottest weather

Adelaide’s hottest day wreaked havoc on our flying fox population. Here’s how SA’s Flying Fox Network responded.

20 Feb. 2019 3 min read

Adelaide dolphin sanctuary large

5 things you’ll find at Adelaide’s dolphin sanctuary

Don’t be fooled by the name – the Adelaide Dolphin Sanctuary is home to more than just dolphins. Here’s what else.

13 Nov. 2018 5 min read

Pufferfish zombie large

How pufferfish can cause ‘zombification’

If you’re into the creepy, the kooky, the mysterious and spooky, read on as we uncover the dark side of pufferfish.

31 Oct. 2018 2 min read

Squid large final

Where to snorkel with squid in South Australia

For a unique nature-based experience, grab your snorkel and swim with spawning squid off SA’s Fleurieu Peninsula.

30 Oct. 2018 2 min read

Seal bay research tour large

Your guide to the new research tour at Kangaroo Island’s Seal Bay

Want to learn more about the sea lions that call Seal Bay home? Find out how a research tour might fit the bill.

25 Oct. 2018 2 min read

Rayed blue final large

6 butterflies you might see around Adelaide this spring

From the common brown to the rayed blue – see how many of these winged wonders you can spot around Adelaide.

24 Oct. 2018 3 min read

Seahorses large

Where you might find seahorses in SA

South Australian waters are home to a huge range of fish – including the fabulous seahorse. Here’s where they live.

28 Sep. 2018 2 min read


How to attract bandicoots to your backyard

Live in the Adelaide Hills and wouldn’t mind a visit from a bandicoot? Here’s how you can encourage them to pop in.

13 Jul. 2018 5 min read

5 treasures seal bay large

5 treasures in Seal Bay

It’s not just sea lions to look for at this world-class destination. Here’s some tips from our park insider.

12 Jul. 2018 6 min read

Potoroo large final

7 animals you can see on a Cleland night walk

Want to meet some of SA’s iconic nocturnal animals? Take a night tour at Cleland to see these native species.

12 Apr. 2018 4 min read


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