Get involved

Children connecting with nature large img

5 ways children can connect with nature at home during winter

Here’s how your kids can still get a good dose of nature play around the house during the cooler months.

07 Jul. 2022 3 min read

Citizen science volunteering opportunities south australia large

6 fun citizen science projects that benefit South Australia’s natural environment

From listening for frogs to recording king tides, there’s plenty of ways to give back to nature. Try these ideas.

19 May 2022 5 min read

Parrot Regent Helga Kieskamp

How to join the flock for a global bird-watching event

Bird-watchers around the world are set to unite for a yearly global event. Here’s how to get involved

09 May 2022 2 min read

Help save koalas

How you can help save koalas in Australia

Koala Life is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to securing the survival of koalas. Find out how you can help to make a difference today.

21 Apr. 2022 1 min read

Volunteer ranger large

How to become a volunteer ranger in South Australia’s national parks

Do you love spending your free time in nature? Learn what a volunteer ranger does and how you can become one.

07 Jan. 2022 3 min read

Sa top metropollitan beaches large

6 of South Australia’s top metropolitan beaches

What makes a beach tops? We’ve done some research. Here’s some of Adelaide’s best beaches to visit during summer.

15 Dec. 2021 5 min read

Friends of parks grants opportunities large

How you can make a difference by volunteering in SA’s national parks and reserves

Keen to volunteer in a national park? Learn what Friends of Parks groups do and how a new grant program is helping.

10 Sep. 2021 3 min read

World heritage bid flinders ranges large

Unpacked: South Australia’s World Heritage bid for the Flinders Ranges

The Flinders Ranges is one step closer to World Heritage Listing. Here’s what that means and how you can help.

29 Jul. 2021 7 min read

Adelaide national park city large

Everything you need to know about Adelaide’s push to become a National Park City

Adelaide is on its way to becoming a National Park City. Find out what that means and how you can get involved.

08 Jul. 2021 3 min read

Glenthorne planting days large

How you can be part of the creation of Glenthorne National Park-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta

It’s planting season and you’re invited. Here’s how to register for Glenthorne’s community planting days.

08 Jun. 2021 1 min read

Ngarkat history in photographs large

How your photos can help document the history of South Australia’s Ngarkat Conservation Park

Work is underway to preserve the history of two campgrounds in this special park. Here’s how you can you help.

15 Apr. 2021 3 min read

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Have your say on the proposed new walk-in campsites for the Wild South Coast Way

New campsites are on the cards for two parks on SA’s Fleurieu Peninsula. Learn more, including how to have a say.

14 Apr. 2021 3 min read


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