Learn and discover

Koala image

Everything you need to know about Cleland’s new Victorian koalas

A bold cross-border partnership is helping to diversify the genepool of South Australia’s southern koalas. Find out how.

18 Feb. 2022 2 min read

Benefits butterflies large2

Why butterflies are beneficial to the environment

There’s more to butterflies than meets the eye. Find out how they can help the environment – and your veggie patch.

09 Feb. 2022 3 min read

Wild blackberries large

Everything you need to know about blackberries in national parks

Tempted to eat wild blackberries on your next bushwalk? Hold up before you pick any – here’s what you need to know.

02 Feb. 2022 3 min read

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4 wetland areas to visit along the River Murray

Take in the wonder of wetlands with a trip to these special spots on the banks of South Australia’s River Murray.

27 Jan. 2022 3 min read

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3 top tips to help you avoid mosquito bites while spending time in nature

Spend time in nature this summer without mozzies ruining your fun. Here’s how to fight the bite – day and night.

24 Jan. 2022 2 min read

Beach safety tips large

8 tips to help you stay safe at South Australia’s beautiful beaches

GUEST BLOG: Hear from Surf Life Saving SA about the simple things you can do to keep safe at the beach this summer.

11 Jan. 2022 4 min read

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10 nature-inspired Christmas gifts for the kids

Stuck for ideas of what to get the kids this Christmas? Here are some nature-inspired gifts that might fit the bill

14 Dec. 2021 4 min read

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7 native plants perfect for an Aussie Christmas

Ditch the exotic plants this Christmas and deck the halls with these native species instead.

10 Dec. 2021 3 min read

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5 tips for keeping your cat happy indoors – and why it’s important

Safe cats are happy cats. Here’s how to fill your feline’s contentment cup while they’re living the indoor life.

07 Dec. 2021 2 min read

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Now showing: learn how a decade of connection is healing the River Murray and Coorong

WATCH: A new film explains how continuous flows have kept the River Murray and Coorong alive. Watch these snippets.

30 Nov. 2021 5 min read

Wildlife rescue header large

What to do if you find an injured native animal

The first step in helping injured wildlife is knowing who to call. We’ve got you covered with these contacts.

25 Nov. 2021 3 min read

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Your guide to Adelaide’s noisy miners and how to manage them

Noisy miners have not only adapted to city-living but have benefitted from it. Here’s why and how to manage them.

17 Nov. 2021 6 min read


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