Learn and discover

Unpacked garnaut report large

Unpacked: Professor Garnaut’s report on South Australia’s climate change challenge and opportunity

Want a simple overview of Garnaut’s report about SA’s climate change situation? Here’s what you need to know.

18 May 2021 4 min read

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Where to see ghost mushrooms in South Australia

SA is home to hundreds of species of fungi, but did you know some of them glow in the dark? Here’s where to look.

10 May 2021 2 min read

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How feral pigs are being managed on Kangaroo Island in South Australia

Feral pigs are likely to be the third invasive pest species eradicated from Kangaroo Island. Here’s how.

05 May 2021 3 min read

Unpacked flows for the future large

Unpacked: South Australia’s ‘Low flows’ program and how it returns more water to the catchment

Want a simple explanation of the work underway to return water to local catchments? Here’s what you need to know.

21 Apr. 2021 4 min read

Ways to mount lofty large

14 other ways to walk to Adelaide’s Mount Lofty Summit

Change up your fitness routine with this list of 14 alternative ways to get to Adelaide’s highest point.

15 Mar. 2021 5 min read

Blue green algae river torrens large

How blue-green algae blooms are managed in Adelaide’s Torrens Lake

It takes effort to keep Torrens Lake looking good. Learn about blue-green algae and what’s being done to manage it.

12 Mar. 2021 3 min read

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Have your say about the future of South Australia’s oldest national park

A new chapter is underway for Belair’s former golf course and country club. Learn more, plus how to have a say.

04 Mar. 2021 4 min read

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5 mistaken marine identities you might find along South Australia’s beaches

Before enjoying your next beach walk, smarten up your seaside knowledge with these five commonly mistaken finds.

17 Feb. 2021 2 min read

South australias climate change plan large

Unpacked: South Australia’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

Want a simple overview about how SA plans to cut its greenhouse gas emissions? Here’s what you need to know.

04 Feb. 2021 6 min read

White bellied sea eagle jeff groves header

10 birds of prey to see in South Australia

If you like your birds fast, powerful and just a little bit deadly, then check out this list of birds of prey in SA

03 Feb. 2021 8 min read

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How flying foxes keep their cool in heatwaves

Flying foxes are flocking to the River Torrens for more than a dip. Here’s how to make their visit a pleasant one.

01 Feb. 2021 3 min read

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Everything you need to know about rays in South Australia

Don’t panic if you spot a stingray swimming nearby this summer. Follow these pointers to stay out of trouble.

28 Jan. 2021 3 min read


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