Biodiversity Act Western Pygmy Possum credit Martin Stokes
Biodiversity Act Western Pygmy Possum credit Martin Stokes

Have your say on biodiversity conservation in South Australia

07 Dec. 2023 3 min read

The South Australian Government is developing a new Biodiversity Act – the first of its kind in our state – and you’re invited to have your say.

From the air we breathe to the food we eat, we all rely on biodiversity.

Despite this, South Australia does not have a dedicated Act to safeguard biodiversity. Instead, provisions exist across multiple laws, which has led to gaps in protections. Unfortunately, the existing provisions haven’t successfully prevented biodiversity loss. In fact, more than 1,100 of our state’s unique native plant and animal species is currently threatened with extinction.

Developing the new Act and increasing the effectiveness of our legislative framework will allow us to do things differently. The new Act will be an important tool in ensuring the long-term future of South Australia and safeguarding nature for future generations to enjoy.

The government now wants to hear from you! They want to understand your perspectives on biodiversity conservation and the priorities for a new Act.

Interested in getting involved? Here’s everything you need to know.

Who should participate?

Anyone! Biodiversity touches all our lives, and you don’t need to be an expert to participate. Whether you’re a nature lover, a landowner or just someone who just enjoys a day out in our national parks, you will have valuable connections to biodiversity.

The Department for Environment and Water is keen to hear from a wide range of community members. They welcome the diverse views and experiences that will be brought to the consultation.

What do I have to do?

If you’d like to take part, you’ll be asked to complete an online survey to find out what you think about a series of identified opportunities for the Act. You can respond to as many questions as you like depending on your interest in or knowledge of the subject. If you’re well versed in biodiversity legislation, there is also space to identify alternative ideas or further explain your answers.

A discussion paper has also been developed to provide an overview on topics you will be asked about within the survey. If you’re short on time or completely new to legislation and biodiversity, don’t worry, there are brief summaries in the survey to give you context to the questions.

How will my feedback help?

Your feedback will be used to understand community expectations on biodiversity conservation and identify opportunities for change that may improve the Act.

How do I have a say?

If you’d like to take part, visit YourSAy and complete the survey. Feedback is being accepted until 14 February 2024.

You can also subscribe to receive updates on the Act’s development and be kept informed on future opportunities to have your say.

Interested in biodiversity? Learn how biodiversity helps address climate change or how to use a Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement to protect biodiversity on your land.

Main image courtesy of Martin Stokes.


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