Interacting with native animals and collecting native plants is regulated in South Australia.

A permit is required to take native animals and plants from the wild, or to keep, sell, hunt, rescue, farm or carry out any other activity with native animals.

Wildlife permit types

Keep, sell or display native animals (including eggs)
Keep, sell, display a native animal as a pet, fauna dealer (business), or wilildlife demonstrator. Or take a native animal from the wild.
Kangaroo Industry Permits
Harvest kangaroos for meat or skins.
Rescue or rehabilitate native animals
Rescue or rehabilitate a native animal, become a wildlife carer, establish a wildlife rehabilitation facility or keep rescued animals that are unfit for release.
Collect native plant material
Collect native plant material from public land
Manage, control or destroy wildlife
Manage, control or destroy native animals, for example, catch snakes, remove possums or birds, or control kangaroos on private land.
Hunting for duck, quail, feral animals including deer, or unprotected native animals.

Other permit types

You can also apply for a permit to:

Protected animals

Protected animals are native and include:

  • Mammals - wallabies, wallaroos, bettongs, possums, kangaroos, dunnarts, potoroos, native mice, pademelons, gliders.
  • Birds - rosellas, parrots, ringnecks, ducks, plovers, cuckoos, swans, quails, native hens, finches, owls, bronzewings, geese, firetails, emus, pigeons, kookaburras, lorikeets, lapwings, mannikins, blue bonnets, wrens, frogmouths.
  • Reptiles - lizards, turtles, geckos, skinks, dragons, snakes, monitors, sand swimmers, scaly-foots, ctenotuses, goannas, mullets, dtellas.

Find out how we categorise native animals in South Australia.

Protected plants

Protected plants are native and include:

  • Eucalypts
  • Banksia
  • Orchids
  • Grasses.