
Environment SA News archive

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Displaying 561 - 570 of 1030 items

Rangers rescue stranded dolphin
10 July 2020

National Parks and Wildlife Service staff on Kangaroo Island put their dolphin rescue skills to the test this week, after receiving a call from a member of the public about a stranded Bottle-nosed dolphin on Island Beach.

Coorong infrastructure consultation moves to shortlisting stage
08 July 2020

The Coorong community are encouraged to get involved in shortlisting potential infrastructure options for securing the future of the iconic wetland via an options guide and survey released today.

Roo harvesting helps Riverland landscape and economy
07 July 2020

The environment and local economy are set to benefit from the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Riverland and Murraylands District incorporating commercial kangaroo harvesting into its total grazing pressure management program.

South Australians urged to get out and explore parks
06 July 2020

The Department for Environment and Water has launched an online campaign encouraging South Australians to get out and explore national parks and gardens with the further easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

Water for the environment sees waterbirds flock to Chowilla
06 July 2020

Water for the environment pumped into the Riverland’s iconic Chowilla Floodplain has seen a spectacular response with waterbirds, including three migratory wading species, using the area in large numbers.

Funding secured for adventure playground at Glenthorne
03 July 2020

Funding has been secured to ensure a nature-focussed adventure playground will be developed as an iconic destination within the new Glenthorne National Park-Ityamaiitpinna Yarta in Adelaide’s southern suburbs.

Minimum River Murray water allocations increase to 54 percent
01 July 2020

The minimum water allocation for South Australian River Murray irrigators in 2020-21 will increase from 40 to 54 percent thanks to continued improvements to water resource conditions.

New era begins for landscape management in South Australia
01 July 2020

Management of South Australia’s landscapes enters a new era today with the new Landscape SA legislation commencing giving local communities a far greater voice.

Morialta and Black Hill is Park of the Month for July
29 June 2020

Morialta and Black Hill Conservation Parks have long been cherished by Adelaide residents, providing opportunities for bushwalking and an experience of natural beauty just 10 kilometres north east of the city.

Green light to celebrate vital open spaces
29 June 2020

Iconic buildings across Adelaide will be lit up in green this week as part of a global celebration of the importance of open space during the COVID-19 pandemic and the parks and garden staff who maintain them.