
Environment SA News archive

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Displaying 621 - 630 of 1030 items

Take sanctuaries seriously, fishers warned
09 April 2020

This Easter weekend, marine park rangers have asked fishers to be aware of ‘no take’ sanctuary zone boundaries before heading out, or risk penalties.

No camping on public land in SA during COVID-19 crisis
08 April 2020

In the lead up to the Easter long weekend and April school holidays the Department for Environment and Water advises that no camping will be permitted on Crown Land, nor in South Australian parks and reserves for the foreseeable future.

Draft regulations for the new <i>Landscape South Australia Act 2019</i> up for comment
07 April 2020

As part of the State Government’s reform to improve how our landscapes are managed, consultation has opened on draft regulations that underpin the new Landscape South Australia Act 2019 .

Webinar to provide irrigators with water information
07 April 2020

South Australian irrigators will receive 2020-21 River Murray water resources outlook information via webinar in response to the ongoing coronavirus crisis which forced workshops to be cancelled.

Rent and fee relief for nature-based tourism businesses
07 April 2020

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) will provide fee and rent relief for nearly 300 South Australian nature-based tourism businesses which have been significantly impacted in the wake of the coronavirus crisis.

Plucky Plovers hold on
07 April 2020

A decade-long effort to save one of our most threatened beach-nesting birds from extinction appears to be slowly paying off.

Bushfire recovery grants for south-east landholders
07 April 2020

South Australia's south-east landholders affected by the recent bushfires can now apply for grants up to $5,000 for recovery works on private land.

Summer shorebird surveys across Eyre Peninsula
31 March 2020

Eastern Curlews, Red Knots, Red-necked Stints, Sand Plovers and Sanderlings were just a few of the species counted in this year’s shorebird surveys across Eyre Peninsula.

Iconic Border Track will stay closed for remainder of fire danger season
31 March 2020

To ensure day visitor safety the one-way section of the Border Track within Ngarkat Conservation Park will remain closed until the end of April aligning with the extended Fire Danger Season.

SA parks are open for locals to visit
27 March 2020

South Australia’s national parks are available for local people to visit their local park, as long as visitors follow all State and Federal Government COVID-19 guidelines.