
Environment SA News archive

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Displaying 801 - 810 of 1031 items

New water trade dashboards help license holders
25 June 2019

New water trade dashboards, produced by the Department for Environment and Water (DEW), provide better information about the trading of water allocations and entitlements relevant to the South Australian River Murray Trading Zone.

Wattle happen with the endangered Whibleyana?
24 June 2019

The endangered Whibley’s wattle is on the road to recovery on Eyre Peninsula, due largely to the assistance from the Tumby Bay Area School, District Council of Tumby Bay and local landholder support.

Lori hangs up his tail feathers
24 June 2019

Hard-working Cleland Wildlife Park team member Lori the lorikeet is hanging up his tail feathers, so to speak.

Grants for smart water use
21 June 2019

Up to $1 million is being offered for grants that will help manage water more sustainably in Adelaide.

‘Essence of Heritage’ competition to showcase SA heritage places
21 June 2019

School students and keen photographers and videographers are being encouraged to take part in an ‘Essence of Heritage’ competition that is designed to showcase the state’s Heritage Listed places or areas.

State Budget and the environment
20 June 2019

The 2019-20 South Australian budget has been delivered with a significant investment in the state’s environment.

Flying foxes set up camp in the South East
18 June 2019

A new colony of native grey-headed flying foxes appears to have settled in a pine forest near Millicent.

SA kangaroo count underway
17 June 2019

South Australia’s annual aerial kangaroo count starts today, Monday 17 June.

Seagrass dredging underway at Glenelg
17 June 2019

Dredging at the Glenelg Harbour starts today, Monday 17 June to remove built-up seagrass.

Help restore pygmy possum habitat
14 June 2019

One of our tiniest and most captivating marsupials needs help to restore its habitat.