
Environment SA News archive

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Displaying 811 - 820 of 1031 items

2019-20 opening water allocation rises
14 June 2019

The opening water allocation for the South Australian River Murray has risen to 26 percent for the 2019-20 water year.

This plover flies west for winter
12 June 2019

The double-banded plover is a little unusual as it migrates from New Zealand to Australia in winter when other migratory birds fly north for the northern hemisphere summer.

Saving the KI dunnart
12 June 2019

The Kangaroo Island dunnart, a tiny carnivorous marsupial, has rarely been seen in the last 20 years, but despite that, a major push is underway to help conserve this endangered species.

Wildlife welcomes wetland water
07 June 2019

Photo monitoring along the River Murray has captured local wildlife flourishing across the Riverland floodplains.

Connecting more South Australians with native wildlife
07 June 2019

South Australia’s new wildlife permit website is live to complement revised regulations and better connect people with the state’s native wildlife.

Changes proposed for SA’s commercial kangaroo management
07 June 2019

Changes are being considered to the South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan to better manage kangaroo overabundance across the state.

Improving SA’s waterbird habitats
06 June 2019

There was an unusual occurrence recently when Natural Resources SAMDB floodplains and wetlands team were monitoring photopoint images.

Mount Remarkable the place to be in June
05 June 2019

Mount Remarkable National Park will be hive of activity this June as it is celebrated as Park of the Month – an initiative encouraging children and families to get into South Australia’s outdoors.

Hooded Plover chicks expand their horizons
05 June 2019

This season’s Hooded Plover chicks are growing up and hanging out with flocks of adults along our beaches.

$11.8m for SA’s parks
05 June 2019

South Australia’s parks and nature-based tourism experiences will receive $11.8 million of funding in the 2019-20 State Budget.