
Environment SA News archive

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Displaying 831 - 840 of 1031 items

Native habitats safeguarded in the Adelaide Hills
22 May 2019

Under a new Native Vegetation Heritage Agreement between the Adelaide Hills Council and the South Australian Government, native vegetation within the Woorabinda Bushland Reserves, near Stirling, will be protected in perpetuity.

Four recreational proposals considered for Belair Golf Course
20 May 2019

A call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for the former Belair Golf Course and Country Club site in Belair National Park has resulted in four recreational proposals being identified for consideration.

Koalas and hills habitat to benefit from fertility control
20 May 2019

Large concentrations of koalas in the Adelaide Hills have prompted a fertility control program to ensure the long-term welfare of the koala population and the preservation of natural bushland.

Improved minimum opening allocation for 2019-20
15 May 2019

The projected minimum, or worst case, opening irrigation allocation for the 2019-20 water year has risen to 22 per cent.

Pinery regreening continues
14 May 2019

About 8500 native plants were given to landholders affected by the 2015 Pinery bushfire at the latest landscape recovery plant giveaway.

Celebrating the coastal environment and cultural heritage
14 May 2019

The Kaurna community and environmental volunteers celebrated the cultural and environmental significance of the Aldinga Washpool and Blue Lagoon at an open day on 5 May.

4WD club volunteers turn out in droves at Ngarkat
14 May 2019

A record 63 volunteers from nine SA Four Wheel Drive clubs volunteered at a two-day working bee at Ngarkat Conservation Park recently.

Swamp helps lily to bloom
14 May 2019

To some, they may look like quagmires or bogs, but to others wetlands are known as the lungs of the River.

Be wary of wild mushrooms
10 May 2019

South Australians are being reminded not to eat wild mushrooms, as a variety of mushrooms start to emerge after recent rain.

Vulnerable frog species found thriving in Riverland wetland
10 May 2019

A number of nationally vulnerable southern bell frogs (Litoria raniformis) have been found during recent monitoring at South Australia’s Overland Corner Wetland.