
Environment SA News archive

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Displaying 851 - 860 of 1031 items

Plenty of platypus sightings
17 April 2019

There have been platypus sightings ‘a plenty’ recently at the Platypus Waterholes, in Flinders Chase National Park.

50,000 oysters find new home at Windara Reef
17 April 2019

More than 50,000 native oysters were introduced to Windara Reef in mid-April as part of Australia’s biggest reef restoration project, led by The Nature Conservancy.

Bilby joey makes rare appearance on camera
17 April 2019

Just in time for Easter, a young greater bilby has been spotted for the first time in the Venus Bay Conservation Park on the Eyre Peninsula.

Myponga Reservoir Reserve opens
16 April 2019

Myponga Reservoir Reserve, 60km south of Adelaide, has opened to the public for recreational purposes.

Sand carting to resume at West Beach
15 April 2019

Immediate works to address erosion at West Beach are continuing with sand carting starting again on Monday.

Early projections for River Murray allocations released
15 April 2019

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) has advised irrigators that under a worst-case scenario, irrigation allocations for 2019-20 could start as low as 14 percent.

Quolls and possums continue to thrive in Ikara-Flinders Ranges
15 April 2019

Populations of reintroduced western-quolls (Idnya) and brush-tailed possums (Virlda) at Ikara-Flinders Ranges National Park have defied expectations and continued to expand, despite two years of exceptionally dry conditions.

Fish survey reveals absence of Yarra Pygmy Perch
15 April 2019

An extensive fish survey in the Lower Lakes area has confirmed the region is a hotspot for native freshwater fish, apart from one unique species.

More park rangers for South Australia
15 April 2019

More rangers will soon be on duty in South Australia’s parks with applications now open for five new positions to start later this year in some of the state’s most iconic parks.

Fire bans extended in Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park til April 30
12 April 2019

Fire bans have been extended in Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park on Yorke Peninsula until 30 April 2019 in response to the CFS extending the Fire Season in some districts due to continuing dry conditions across many areas of the state.