
Environment SA News archive

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Displaying 861 - 870 of 1031 items

Apply now: Coast protection grants
12 April 2019

Councils across South Australia can now apply for coast protection grants from the Coast Protection Board.

Cleland koalas and wombats amaze at Longleat
11 April 2019

‘Jaw-dropping’, ‘awe-inspiring’, and ‘squeal-inducing’ are just some of the expressions used to describe the new Koala Creek exhibit, which has just opened at Longleat Safari Park in England.

‘Eye in the sky’ detects native vegetation clearance
11 April 2019

A prominent South Australian horticulturalist has been convicted and fined $52,500 for clearing 9.3 hectares of native vegetation in the state’s south-east to create irrigation sites.

New life for Aroona Dam
10 April 2019

A disused dam in the Northern Flinders Ranges is once again offering a lifeline to communities in the region.

Helping hand for threatened Mallee birds
10 April 2019

Threatened Mallee birds are about to get a helping hand from an important new project to protect their habitat.

Citizen scientists dive in to monitor reef health
09 April 2019

Ten volunteer scuba divers recently joined Department for Environment and Water (DEW) marine scientists on a survey of Fleurieu Peninsula rocky reefs to collect information used to help manage these critical marine habitats.

Entangled whale rescue a success
03 April 2019

A DEW-led whale disentanglement team have freed a 10-metre humpback whale tangled in fishing gear off the coast of Victor Harbor in the Encounter Marine Park.

Whale rescue underway
03 April 2019

EMERGING STORY: A rescue mission is underway off the coast of Victor Harbor to disentangle a humpback whale.

Permits introduced to protect Ewens Ponds
03 April 2019

Snorkelling and diving permits will soon be introduced for Ewens Ponds Conservation Park to better conserve and sustain the crystal-clear limestone ponds for the future.

Autumn prescribed burns begin
28 March 2019

South Australia’s autumn 2019 prescribed burn season commenced in late-March, with smoke plumes due to appear around the state over the coming months.