Environment SA News

Volunteers needed in American River area to support glossy black cockatoos

The Natural Resources Kangaroo Island (NRKI) Glossy Black Cockatoo Recovery Program is looking for people in the American River area who would like to protect the glossy black cockatoo population in the area.

Volunteers needed in American River area to support glossy black cockatoos

In previous years volunteers have contributed an average of more than 500 hours a year helping with things such as nest monitoring and revegetation.

The recovery program is now keen to establish a group of volunteers in the American River area who could help check that the cockatoo nests are protected from possums, and keep an eye out for new nests.

Glossy Black Cockatoo Recovery Program manager, Karleah Berris said American River has become a hub of activity for glossy black cockatoos in recent years.

“Between 1998 and 2000 only one pair were recorded breeding in the American River area,” Karleah said.

“In 2017 seven pairs of glossies bred in American River, with five successfully rearing a chick to fledging.

“This increase in population in the area has been mainly due to the installation of artificial nest boxes and protecting the nests from possums.

“We’d love this work to continue in the future, but we need volunteers to help.”

If you would like to volunteer please contact Karleah Berris NRKI on (08) 8553 4444 or email Karleah.berris@sa.gov.auto register your interest.