Environment SA News

Coffee and ice cream on the menu at Morialta

Visitors to Morialta Conservation Park can now buy a coffee or an ice cream if they’re visiting the park from Wednesday to Sunday.

Coffee and ice cream on the menu at Morialta
Coffee and ice cream carts will be at Morialta for the next three months, located near the nature playground.

The Department for Environment and Water (DEW) has licensed local operator Greg Tillman to run coffee and ice cream carts for the next three months between the park’s Resource Centre and the popular new playground.

The new venture is the result of the State Government calling for expressions of interest from businesses and entrepreneurs keen to develop nature-based tourism ventures at selected parks, gardens and heritage sites, including in Morialta Conservation Park.

DEW Executive Director of Economic and Sustainable Development Matt Johnson said the department is delighted to announce the new arrangement for refreshments at Morialta and is continuing to negotiate details of new nature-themed café with the Tillman group operating in the park.

“This is part of a long-term strategy to enhance visitor experiences by providing new or improved services and facilities in selected parks, gardens and heritage sites,” Mr Johnson said.

“The Morialta adventure playground has been a resounding success and the proposed café and other services will improve the amenity and people’s overall enjoyment of a park visit.”

Greg Tillman said the group is planning to redevelop the park’s Resource Centre to include a full commercial kitchen, café and conference room, and will use the existing building, in order to have minimal impact on the surrounding environment.

“Our plans include offering a fusion menu with traditional Australian favourites and Indigenous bush foods incorporating native herbs and plants,” Mr Tillman said.

“We’re also keen to create a link with the amazing Morialta playground by providing picnic hampers and an educational play space for children which will include story-telling.

“We’re hoping the café will be a vibrant facility and will provide a meeting place for local community groups, as well as a space for art exhibitions, book launches and the like.”