Environment SA News

Ewens Ponds to open for snorkelling and diving

Ewens Ponds, located in the state's south east, will reopen on Monday, 2 December to snorkelling and diving.

Ewens Ponds to open for snorkelling and diving
Some of the plants found in Ewens Ponds are not found fully submerged anywhere else in the world.

Ewen Ponds Conservation Park was closed over spring to snorkelling and diving to protect its unique aquatic wildlife.

National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia ranger Aidan Laslett said, the annual spring closure coincides with the growing period for aquatic plants.

“The closure gives the ponds a the chance to rest and recover before an influx of visitors over summer," he said.

“In an effort to preserve this amazing place, we have this spring closure to let the ponds rejuvenate and no longer permit any general swimming in the ponds.

"A new permit system has been also introduced to manage the impact on underwater vegetation, and provide a better experience for visitors who deserve to see this special area under the best possible conditions.

“The brilliant water clarity allows plants to grow underwater to depths of around six metres. Some of these plants are not found growing fully submerged anywhere else in the world.

"Thousands of recreational divers and snorkelers visit the ponds each year, adding to vegetation damage as sediment is stirred up and underwater plants are disturbed.

“The permit system will limit the number of people in the water at any given time and the permit fees will go towards the ongoing management of Ewens Ponds, ensuring that this unique local gem is kept intact for years to come.”

Visitors to Ewens Ponds can gather a permit by visiting the National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia website. Snorkelling and diving are the only aquatic activities allowed in the ponds.