Environment SA News

Park and site Christmas closures

A number of national parks and other sites have amended opening hours over the Christmas and New Year period.

Park and site Christmas closures

Adelaide Botanic Garden: Open every day, with shortened hours of 9am to 7pm on public holidays.

Adelaide Gaol: Closed Christmas Day.

Cleland Wildlife Park: Closed Christmas Day.

Mount Lofty Botanic Garden: Open every day, with shortened hours of 10am to 6pm on public holidays. Closed on days of severe, extreme and catastrophic fire danger.

Mount Lofty Summit: Closed Christmas Day, but the site is open to walkers. Open 10am to 6pm on New Year’s Day.

Cleland Conservation Park, including Waterfall Gully carpark: Closed Christmas Day.

Kelly Hill Caves: Closed Christmas Day.

Naracoorte Caves and Tantanoola Caves: Closed Christmas Day.

Seal Bay Conservation Park: Closed Christmas Day.

State Flora Nurseries: Belair: Closed Christmas Day, New Year’s Day and on days of catastrophic fire danger. Murray Bridge: Closed from 25 December, reopening on 2 January.

Wittunga Botanic Garden: Open every day, with shortened opening hours of 10am to 6pm on public holidays. Closed on days of catastrophic fire danger.

Key national parks and reserves:

  • Belair National Park: Gates closed on Christmas Day, but open to walkers.
  • Flinders Chase National Park: Main park visitor centre and Cape Borda Light Station visitor centre both closed Christmas Day. The park is open on Christmas Day, and self-registration facilities are available near the visitor centre.
  • Dhilba Guuranda-Innes National Park: Visitor centre closed on Christmas Day.
  • Martindale Hall Conservation Park: Martindale Hall closed Christmas Day.
  • Morialta Conservation Park: Stradbroke Rd gate open (for access to nature playground) on Christmas Day. First Falls Rd entrance closed to traffic, but open to walkers.
  • Para Wirra Conservation Park: Gates closed Christmas Day, but accessible for camping.

Parks and reserves are closed on days of catastrophic fire danger, and may be closed at other times if weather presents a risk to the public.

For the most up-to-date information regarding park closures, visit the National Parks and Wildlife Service South Australia website.