Environment SA News

Webinar to provide irrigators with water information

South Australian irrigators will receive 2020-21 River Murray water resources outlook information via webinar in response to the ongoing coronavirus crisis which forced workshops to be cancelled.

Webinar to provide irrigators with water information
River Murray water users are encouraged to take part in a webinar ahead of projected opening minimum water allocations being announced.

The webinar, which will be held on Wednesday 8 April, comes ahead of the projected opening minimum water allocation announcement on 15 April.

As well as irrigation season outlook information, the webinar will also feature independent experts Marsden Jacob Associates to provide Australian water market advice.

Manager, River Murray Water Delivery Jarrod Eaton said the department has had to adapt in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

“Under normal circumstances, we would deliver irrigation season outlook information at face to face sessions. However, to ensure all required social distancing practices are followed, we’re hosting a webinar to deliver this important information in a timely way,” Mr Eaton said.

“The State Government has made a strong commitment to provide River Murray irrigators with as much information about water availability, as early as possible, to help with their business planning.

“There will be an opportunity to ask questions of the presenters during the webinar, and a copy will be made available on our website for those unable to watch the webinar live.”

Irrigators will also have access to valuable information about understanding the water market at the webinar. This is part of a series of webinars targeted at irrigators along the River Murray as part of the water market literacy program, with further workshops planned for May and July.

Mr Eaton said allocations are determined in accordance with the South Australian River Murray Water Allocation Plan.

“After three consecutive years with below average rainfall and inflows across the Murray-Darling basin, the volume of water in MDBA controlled storages in the River Murray is now around 33 percent of capacity, approximately 11 per cent lower than at the same time last year,” he said.

Click here to register for the first webinar on the River Murray 2020-21 irrigation season outlook. Click here for more information about allocations and projected water availability.