Environment SA News

South Australian climate awards now open for nominations

Nominations are now open for the 2020 SA Climate Leaders Awards, celebrating leaders in climate action in South Australia.

South Australian climate awards now open for nominations

Department of Environment and Water Director of Climate Changes, Coast and Marine, Neil McFarlane said the awards will highlight South Australia’s international prominence when it comes to the economic opportunities of addressing the challenges climate change presents.

“We believe tackling climate change is a win-win for our economy and environment, and the South Australian government is working closely with local organisations, businesses and industry to accelerate action on climate change, create innovative new jobs, and grow our economy,” he said.

“As South Australia recovers from the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, there will be real opportunities for new industries in the climate-smart, green economy and we want to give businesses the confidence to invest and create new jobs,” Mr McFarlane said

Chair of the Premier’s Climate Change Council, and CEO of Business SA, Martin Haese said the awards will showcase the great work happening across South Australia to help build the future climate response and resilience of the state.

“These awards will highlight prominent examples of innovation, leadership and collaboration in climate action which are supporting South Australia’s international reputation as a climate-smart state,” Mr Haese said.

“Nominations could include initiatives that are unlocking new innovation and economic development opportunities, build resilience to help our state adapt, develop clean technologies and solutions, assist organisations to reduce emissions, or better manage their climate risks.

“We are also looking for examples of leadership in education, research or raising awareness about ways to increase sustainability and take practical on-ground action in response to climate change.”

Nominations are invited from community, business and industry, and government and a $10,000 prize will be awarded to the overall winner.

Previous winners include Wattle Range Council, for their work on coastal adaptation; Associate Professor Seth Westra for inspiring future leaders in sustainability and climate risk; 2XE consulting firm for helping businesses towards ‘net zero’ goals; and CORENA for their continued trailblazing to help not-for-profits access renewable energy.

Entries close on 18 December 2020 and winners will be announced at an event early in 2021.

The Awards are an initiative of the Premier's Climate Change Council, the state government's key advisory body on climate change.

Find out more at www.environment.sa.gov.au/climateawards or contact Nicole Westbury at pccc@sa.gov.au or phone (08) 8463 4461.