Environment SA News

Have fun camping during Easter in our national parks

Easter is a great time to go camping and create memories with family and friends, with South Australia’s beautiful national parks providing unique opportunities for camping, recreational activities and gazing at the stars.

Have fun camping during Easter in our national parks
Visit one of our national parks and create some memories this Easter.

Visiting our national parks provides a chance to switch off from our busy lives and social media, unwind and enjoy what our parks and reserves have to offer.

National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) Executive Director Mike Williams said the Easter break provided the perfect opportunity for visitors to head to national parks throughout the state.

“Our rangers will be out and about at parks across the state throughout the Easter break and school holidays and they look forward to greeting all of our visitors,” he said.

“There’s many different activities that visitors can undertake in parks, however with increased visitor numbers to our regions, it is important to also remind park visitors to respect our beautiful parks and leave only footprints behind.

“We are asking people to be responsible, respect other campers, our wildlife and our environment.”

Preparation is the key, so here’s a few things to remember:

  • Book and pay for your campsites and vehicle entry online before you go at parks.sa.gov.au and make sure you set up your camp within the designated area that you have booked
  • Keep your vehicles on existing roads, including registered motorbikes, (unregistered motorbikes are not allowed)
  • Keep your rubbish secure to prevent it spreading and remember to take it home with you when you leave the park
  • Consider hiring a portaloo or taking a camping toilet with you to ensure you have some privacy and keep your campsite clean
  • Many national parks do not allow solid fuel fires (wood and charcoal) at any time. In parks where fires are permitted, they are only allowed outside of the Fire Danger Season for that region, to find out more visit www.parks.sa.gov.au/know-before-you-go/fires-and-bbqs
  • For those parks where campfires are permitted please remember to bring your own wood as the collection of wood from parks is prohibited
  • Please consider other campers and wildlife and keep noise to a minimum
  • If you are planning a fishing trip in one of our state’s 19 beautiful marine parks, check the maps available online and at boat ramps to ensure you do not fish within sanctuary zones www.environment.sa.gov.au/marineparks/home
  • Although most national parks do not allow dogs (assistance dogs are allowed) there are a number of parks where dogs are welcome. Please ensure you keep your dog on designated walking trails and under your control on a lead of no more than two metres at all times.
  • If travelling to remote parks make sure to check road conditions and closures, as a number of roads leading to, or in, outback parks are currently closed

Campsites are booking fast so visit www.parks.sa.gov.au for further information and to book your site.

For more information about your online booking please email DEW.OnlineBooking@sa.gov.au.