Environment SA News

Bookmark Creek community workshops move to design phase


The third in a series of community workshops to discuss ways to reinstate natural habitat conditions in Bookmark Creek was held in Renmark last week, with targeted community members able to view and discuss conceptual designs for the first time.

Bookmark Creek community workshops move to design phase
Senior Project Officer Eva Dec was one of the presenters at last week's Bookmark Creek workshop.

As part of the Sustaining Riverland Environments (SRE) program, the workshop discussed the design requirements for the favoured option to go through to the next stage, where final detailed designs will be available for endorsement to progress to construction.

SRE Program Leader Nathan Clisby said the community’s preferred option will reinstate better flow, habitat and fish passage through the creek, whilst optimising existing watering activities of the creek’s floodplain areas for vegetation. It will also promote and improve recreational opportunities in the region.

“The proposed design concept at the upstream end of Bookmark Creek, near Jane Eliza Estate, includes a flow management structure and bridge, incorporating a multi-access passage that will allow fish, turtles and canoeists to navigate the entire length of the creek,” Nathan said.

“Once implemented, the final infrastructure will help create high-value, fast-flowing conditions within the creek, which is important for native fish and other native species.

“This week’s workshop was an important step. The designs have received preliminary support within the regional stakeholder group.

“From here, designers will work to further develop design criteria to move forward with.”

Artist impressions of the designs are expected to be released to the broader community before Christmas. Any feedback received will be compiled together with the detailed designs, which will be presented at the final stakeholder workshop scheduled for January 2022.

The Sustaining Riverland Environments (SRE) Program is a $37.6 million program funded by the Australian Government through the Murray-Darling Basin Authority and delivered by the Government of South Australia through the Department for Environment and Water.

For more information visit: www.environment.sa.gov.au/SustainingRiverlandEnvironments