Improved visitor experience for Youngoona Hut site
The historic site of Youngoona Hut is set to be refreshed.
Located 4 km from the eastern Brachina Gorge Road gateway and near the Enorama Creek, the Youngoona Hut site will receive an improved visitor experience.
Removal of old bush bollards and wire around the site will make way for a new vehicle turn-around space and 6 angled carparks (including long vehicle parallel parking). Rock boulders will be introduced to separate the traffic away from the historic ruins and trailhead.
The trail that leads to the geological attractions located in the creek, including the stromatolites, will include new interpretation posts at the trailhead. Wayfinding markers will be sympathetically placed on rock boulders leading to the Enorama Creek with new interpretation at the geological sites.
New seating will also be installed.