Environment SA News

Duck hunting review to commence

The State Government is delivering on its election commitment to review duck hunting laws and will today give notice to establish a Parliamentary Select Committee into the contentious issue.

Duck hunting review to commence

The committee will be comprised of two government MPs, two from the Opposition and one from the Cross Bench.

It will look at issues around animal welfare, sustainability, community attitudes, economic considerations and Aboriginal perspectives.

Current South Australian legislation allows for regulated hunting of game birds.

The 2023 open seasons for duck and quail hunting were declared on 14 January.

The decision to allow duck and quail hunting seasons in South Australia is based on evidence of likely impact on bird numbers, along with consultation with stakeholder groups.

Duck and quail hunters in South Australia must hold a permit from the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) and comply with the Code of Practice for the Humane Destruction of Birds by Shooting.