Environment SA News

Government delivers on $2 million commitment to establish citizen science fund


The South Australian Government will establish a $2 million Citizen Science Fund to harness the power of South Australians with an enthusiasm for science and nature.

Government delivers on $2 million commitment to establish citizen science fund

The program empowers citizen scientists to collaborate on critical conservation projects, working out in their local environment or online from their own home.

Citizen science involves public participation and collaboration in scientific research with the aim of increasing scientific knowledge.

The program will see the establishment of two grants streams, a small grants program up to $15,000 per project, and a large grants program awarded through a targeted expressions of interest process.

Launched as part of the international Citizen Science Month, the Department for Environment and Water will administer the Environmental Citizen Science Grants program.

Eligible projects may address research questions or gather data about living things and the natural environment including plants, animals, fungi, species, ecosystems, ecological communities, soil, water, and air.

The large grants program, which will be open later this year, allows for more targeted, co-designed and longer-term citizen science projects to be funded, with research focused on key environmental questions which could inform conservation activities or policy decisions.

Applications for the small grants are now open and will close on 11 May 2023.

Find out more www.environment.sa.gov.au/topics/Science/citizen-science