Environment SA News

New Net Zero Essentials Program to help SA businesses reduce carbon emissions

Small to medium South Australian businesses can now access practical support to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through the launch of the new Net Zero Essentials Program.

New Net Zero Essentials Program to help SA businesses reduce carbon emissions

The program, which has been successfully piloted, will be delivered by Business SA over six months, supported by a $150,000 grant from the state government.

Participants will be able to access online training as well as face-to-face support to help them better understand their emissions and how to reduce them.

Registrations of interest are now being sought from both metropolitan and regional small and family businesses.

Business owners need resources to improve environmental sustainability and this is a key priority of the upcoming Small Business Strategy which has seen thousands of local businesses consulted.

Business SA Chief Executive Andrew Kay said many businesses haven’t known where to get started with net zero.

"With the day-to-day challenges of running a small business, taking the necessary steps to create change is not necessarily a priority," Mr Kay said.

"By offering a subsidised essential learning program we are removing one of the barriers for South Australia’s small business community to contribute to a net zero future.

"We look forward to working with businesses over the course of the program, helping them to learn how to run sustainable businesses, save money and capitalise on the opportunities of a net zero economy."

More than 800 South Australian business leaders will again gather in Adelaide today for the second and final day of the inaugural Industry Climate Change Conference.

The conference is exploring the challenges and opportunities for South Australian businesses as the state transitions to net zero.

The Net Zero Essentials Program is one of several initiatives being delivered by the state government to achieve its target of at least 50 per cent reduction in net emissions by 2030 (from 2005 levels) and net zero emissions by 2050.

Businesses can register their interest program by visiting the Business SA website.