Environment SA News

South Australians urged to call for River Murray promises to be fulfilled

The state government says the Murray-Darling Basin Plan’s extra 450GL of water for the environment must be fulfilled.

South Australians urged to call for River Murray promises to be fulfilled

Only 4.5 GL of the 450GL promised under the plan by 2024 has been recovered to date.

The government’s call for the promised extra environmental water flow is in response to the release today of the Productivity Commission Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation review 2023. This is the latest of the Commission’s five yearly reviews of the Basin Plan.

This latest review reveals the Basin Plan is well short of achieving its water recovery targets, putting our unique, internationally recognised environments at risk.

The review includes an invitation for submissions about the plan.

The Productivity Commission said it would consult widely, including with basin governments, environmental water managers, peak bodies, researchers and academics, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, and other communities in the Basin.

“We will hold meetings in regional areas of the Basin, to enable members of these communities to provide direct input to the inquiry," the Commission said.

Submissions can be made in writing, over the phone or by video, according to the MDB Plan report. Submission can also be made online, via a document or letter, or email.

The Department for Environment and Water said a healthy River Murray was vital for South Australia.

“Much of our state’s wealth and environmental sustainability comes from it and we must return to more sustainable water use for the benefit of future South Australians," the department’s Water and River Murray Executive Director Ben Bruce said.

“The recovery of the full 450 GL of additional water for the environment is a priority and there is a long way to go to get there.

“The government is making the River Murray a priority and I encourage South Australians to have their say."

For more information, including how to make a submission, visit: Murray-Darling Basin Plan: Implementation review 2023