Full steam ahead for visitor facilities upgrades at two Eyre Peninsula parks
Work is well underway to upgrade visitor facilities at two Eyre Peninsula parks.
In November, work began on a project in Lincoln National Park to upgrade visitor facilities at the popular Fisherman’s Point Campground.
The upgrades include increasing the campground capacity from 15 unallocated to 19 allocated sites, installing new signage, replacing toilet blocks, improving vehicle access in the campground, and improving pedestrian beach access.
These works are being finalised, and the new allocated campsites will be soon be available to book on the website.
Meanwhile, at Coffin Bay National Park, work has started on upgrades to the Golden Island Day Visitor Area.
Works include the construction of two picnic shelters and a new toilet block, an expanded car park, with designated long-vehicle spaces, and upgrades to the landscaping, fencing and signage.
These are two of the many projects being undertaken under the Parks 2025 banner – a $130 million investment in more than 30 national parks across the state.
The initiative aims to create better visitor facilities and site improvements at our most popular parks, enhance nature-based tourism offerings and conserve our natural landscapes and wildlife.
To find out more visit www.parks.sa.gov.au/park-management/improving-sa-national-parks