Environment SA News

Nominations open for SA Climate Leaders Awards

South Australians now have the chance to celebrate local climate change innovators by nominating them in the 2024 SA Climate Leaders Awards.

Nominations open for SA Climate Leaders Awards

The awards - which include a $10,000 prize for the overall winner - recognise achievements of individuals and organisations taking action to address climate change in South Australia.

Nominations opened 1 May 2024 and can be made under five categories: community, business and industry (small-to-medium enterprises), business and industry (large enterprises), research and education, and government.

Nominations can include initiatives that aim to:

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions
  • Unlock economic opportunities
  • Better manage climate risk
  • Build climate resilience and adaption
  • Build knowledge and awareness of ways to increase sustainability

The SA Climate Leaders Awards are an initiative of the Premier’s Climate Change Council (PCCC) to recognise the important work happening across the state to build resilience and respond to a changing climate.

PCCC Chairman Martin Haese said South Australia was committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50 per cent by 2030, achieving net-zero emissions by 2050 and achieving 100 per cent net-renewable energy generation by 2027.

“Our communities and businesses are already showing innovation to respond and adapt to climate change, and these awards highlight those achievements,” Mr Haese said

“We are looking to showcase the state’s incredible leadership and innovation in climate action.

“South Australian organisations and individuals are doing amazing work to adapt to the changing climate, and these awards are about acknowledging these efforts.”

Nominations close 28 June and finalists will be announced in July. The winners will be celebrated at an event on August 1 at Adelaide Convention Centre.

South Australian of the Year Tim Jarvis and Young South Australian of the Year Tiahni Adamson will be keynote speakers at this year’s event.

Previous winners include University of Adelaide PhD student Bobbie Lewis Baida, who was awarded the overall prize in 2022 for her investigations into the effects of climate change on sheep production.

Applications for this year’s awards can be made by emailing pccc@sa.gov.au or by following this link: https://www.environment.sa.gov...