Environment SA News

Design work approved for Bruno Bay infrastructure upgrade

The Riverland community will be asked to have input into the design of infrastructure upgrades at Bruno Bay in Cobdogla, which could see the boat ramp and community infrastructure made more accessible during high River Murray flows.

Design work approved for Bruno Bay infrastructure upgrade
Bruno Bay Pontoon.

At Tuesday night’s Berri Barmera Council meeting, the council endorsed an agreement with the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) to develop designs to upgrade the Bruno Bay boat ramp, carpark and associated facilities.

The partnership is part of the South Australia Constraints Measures project, which aims to remove constraints, or barriers, to the delivery of environmental water to improve the health of River Murray floodplains and wetlands.

DEW Constraints Measures Program Leader Michael Colagrossi said the Bruno Bay boat ramp and carpark currently become inundated when River Murray flows are around 50 to 60GL/day, so the upgrades would significantly improve access at higher flows.

“While the main goal of relaxing constraints is to provide greater scope for environmental flows to floodplains and end-of-system, the SA Constraints Measures project is also looking at improving access to the river and facilities at key locations for water managers, emergency services, communities and landholders during natural high flow events,” Mr Colagrossi said.

“High flow events that enable flows over riverbanks are beneficial for the environment because they connect floodplain habitats, both with one another and the main river channel.

“Such connections enable species to access refuge habitat areas, find breeding partners and recolonise suitable habitats, all of which are important for the species’ long-term survival.”

Berri Barmera Council Mayor Ella Winnall said Cobdogla residents and the wider community would have the opportunity to discuss and provide input into the project in coming weeks.

“We know Bruno Bay is a much-loved facility and offers one of the best boating facilities in the Riverland,” she said.

“We are excited for the potential of this project, which aims to make the boat ramp and its facilities better by making it available and safer to use during higher flows.”

Planning is underway and the community will be notified in coming weeks on how they can have their say, both online and in person. The community's feedback will be incorporated into the design process.

Several Riverland council assets, including Bruno Bay, were identified as priorities for upgrades to make them more resilient to higher flows up to 80GL per day at the South Australian border.

The designs for upgrading Bruno Bay are part of a suite of works being delivered in the region under the South Australian Constraints Measures Early Works project. The designs are scheduled for completion by 30 June 2025.

The South Australia Constraints Measures project is being delivered by the Government of South Australia and funded by the Australian Government, as part of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan.