Feedback sought on proposal to expand Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park
The South Australian Government is seeking public feedback on a proposal to better protect one of our state’s most popular tourism destinations and important sea lion habitats.
Public consultation on a proposal to expand the Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park and Seal Bay Sanctuary Zone is currently underway and will close 13 December.
The marine park, which was established in 2012, is a protected area along the southern coast of Kangaroo Island that includes deep-water reefs, exposed cliffs and rocky headlands.
Expanding the marine park and sanctuary zone within the park will further safeguard vital breeding grounds for Australian sea lions and contribute to the biodiversity and health of the marine ecosystem.
The proposal would increase the size of the marine park from 673 square kilometres to 688 square kilometres while the Seal Bay Sanctuary Zone would increase from 77 square kilometres to 95 square kilometres.
Under the proposal, shore based fishing will continue through the proposed extension area via the declaration of a ‘special purpose area’.
Marine parks are designated areas of ocean and coastline protected for conservation and sustainable use. They aim to preserve marine biodiversity, habitats and cultural values while providing for ongoing recreational and commercial activities.
Sanctuary zones are high-protection areas within a marine park set aside exclusively for conservation and low-impact recreation. In these zones, all forms of fishing are prohibited to protect critical habitats and breeding grounds for marine life.
Sanctuary zones make up about 6 per cent of South Australia's coastal waters, leaving 94 per cent available for fishing.
The Department of Environment and Water is consulting with key stakeholders including marine scale, rock lobster and abalone industry representatives, RecFish SA, the Kangaroo Island Council, the Conservation Council and Wilderness Society.
The feedback will help inform a final decision on any changes to Southern Kangaroo Island Marine Park and the Seal Bay Sanctuary Zone.
For more information about marine parks, visit