Prescribed burns near Anstey Hill

Date posted: 16 Apr. 2020

Two prescribed burn are scheduled near Anstey Hill on Tuesday 14 April weather conditions permitting.

  • The first burn will start at 10:00am on Tuesday 14 April 2020 and should be complete by 12:00 noon the same day.
  • The burn will impact an estimated 0.8 hectares in an area east of the Anstey Hill picnic area between Quarry Track and North East Road in Anstey Hill Recreation Park.
  • The aim of the burn is for weed management and site clean up to provide for a picnic ground expansion.
  • The second burn will start at 11:00am on Tuesday 14 April 2020 and should be complete by 8:00pm the same day.
  • The burn will impact an estimated 42.7 hectare area in the south eastern corner of DEW managed land in Anstey Hill Recreation Park bounded on the west by Newman's Track and south by Lower North East Road.
  • This is a buffer zone burn. The aim is to conduct a moderate intensity burn over the burn site to reduce the overall fuel hazard from high to low.

The burn will be carried out by the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and the local CFS brigade has been invited to attend. A crew will remain on site until it is safe to leave.

The objective of these burns is to reduce fuels in the area to prevent the spread of bushfire. It is part of a statewide program of prescribed burning planned to protect communities and assets at risk.

Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice.

For the most up-to-date information on prescribed burns follow @SAENVIRWATER on Twitter.

A list of planned prescribed burns is available on the DEW website.