Prescribed burn in Lincoln Basin on Eyre Peninsula
Date posted: 19 Oct. 2020
A prescribed burn is planned west of Tulka, in the Lincoln Basin on Eyre Peninsula, on Wednesday 21 October 2020, weather conditions permitting.
- The prescribed burn will start 10:30 am and is likely to be completed by 10 pm on Wednesday 21 October.
- The area to be burnt is 163.7 hectares located on SA Water land, west of Tulka.
- The burn with produce a significant amount of smoke which is normal for burns of this size.
- The objective of the burn is to reduce the risk of bushfire impact on communities of Tulka and Port Lincoln and to protect the surrounding landscape.
- Aerial ignition will be used for this burn, so as a result the public will see aircraft resources used in this area.
- Some smoke and fire activity may be observed in the Lincoln Basin, west of Tulka in the days following the burns, but it will be patrolled until it is safe.
- Members of the public are asked to follow the directions of fire crews if entering near the prescribed burns.
The burn will be conducted by the Department for Environment and Water and Country Fire Service. The objective of prescribed burning is to reduce fuel loads to mitigate the risk of bushfire. These burns are part of a statewide program of prescribed burning planned to protect communities and assets at risk.
Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice.
For the most up-to-date information on prescribed burns follow @SAENVIRWATER on Twitter.
A list of planned prescribed burns is available on the DEW website.