Prescribed burn at Cherry Gardens
Date posted: 02 Mar. 2021
A prescribed burn is planned on private land at the ElectraNet sub-station in Cherry Gardens in the Mount Lofty Ranges on Wednesday 3 March 2021, weather conditions permitting.
- The burn is being undertaken in a block of vegetation directly east of the Cherry Gardens electricity substation on ElectraNet land approximately 2.3 km north-east of Clarendon in the Mt Lofty Ranges.
- The prescribed burn will start at 1:40pm and should be complete by 6pm.
- It will affect about 2.6 hectares of private land.
- No road closures, however, there will be crews operating along Frith Road.
- Prescribed burn signs will be in place on the road notifying traffic of the operation.
- Smoke from this burn is likely to impact Formby, Frith and Lafferty Roads. Smoke may remain visible for several days.
- The burn forms part of a program of burns to be undertaken in the area to reduce risk to the power lines posed by bushfire.
The burn will be carried out by the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) with local CFS Volunteers invite to attend. A crew will remain on site until it is safe to leave.
NPWSSA’s statewide program of prescribed burns helps limit the spread and intensity of bushfires, protects communities and enhances biodiversity. Prescribed burning is just one tool used to reduce fuel loads across strategic areas of public and private land.
Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice.
For the most up-to-date information on prescribed burns follow @SAENVIRWATER on Twitter.
A list of planned prescribed burns is available on the DEW website.