Prescribed burn at Humbug Scrub (Adelaide Mount Lofty Ranges)
Date posted: 03 Apr. 2023
A prescribed burn is planned at Humbug Scrub in the Adelaide Mount Lofty Ranges on Monday, 3 April, weather conditions permitting.
- The prescribed burn will start at 12:00pm on Monday 3 April and is likely to be completed by 5:00pm.
- The area to be burnt is 4.1 hectares on a private landholder’s property in along Frank Barker Road in Humbug Scrub.
- The burn is planned to reduce fuel loads in the Humbug Scrub area adjacent to Para Wirra Conservation Park.
- Significant smoke may be observed during the burn, this is normal for prescribed burns and smoke may be visible over the following days.
- Frank Barker Road and Kersbrook Road may be impacted by smoke as well as nearby walking trails within Para Wirra Conservation Park.
- The burn area will be patrolled until it is safe.
The burn will be conducted by the Department for Environment and Water and CFS. This burn is part of a statewide program of prescribed burning planned to protect communities and assets at risk.
Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice.
For the most up-to-date information on prescribed burns follow @SAENVIRWATER on Twitter.
A list of planned prescribed burns is available on the DEW website.