Aerial view of a secluded beach in Memory Cove Wilderness Protection Area, SA, with turquoise waters and white sand.

Prescribed burn at Monarto Conservation Park

Date posted: 26 Mar. 2024

A prescribed burn is planned at Monarto Conservation Park on Wednesday 27 March 2024, weather conditions permitting.

  • The prescribed burn will start at approximately 2pm and is likely to be completed by 10pm Wednesday 27 March.
  • The area to be burnt is 2.5 hectares within the park, about 15km south-west of Murray Bridge.
  • This is an ecological burn to promote germination of the Neat Wattle plant (acacia rhetinocarpa), which is listed as vulnerable under the Australian Government’s Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
  • Smoke will be visible from the Monarto township, Ferries McDonald Road and the South Eastern Freeway.
  • National Parks and Wildlife Service crews will remain on site until safe.

NPWSSA conducts a statewide program of prescribed burns to reduce the spread and intensity of bushfires, protect communities and enhance biodiversity. Prescribed burning is just one tool used to reduce fuel loads across strategic areas of public and private land.

Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice.

For the most up-to-date information and to find a list of planned prescribed burns, visit the webpage.

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