Prescribed burn at Peebinga Conservation Park
Date posted: 02 May 2022
A prescribed burn is planned for Peebinga Conservation Park and adjacent private property and crown land between Kringin Road and Conservation Road along Brownswell Highway, north of Pinaroo, on Tuesday 3 May 2022, weather conditions permitting.
- The burn will commence at 11am and is expected to be complete by 7pm.
- It will affect about 160 hectares.
- The objective is to undertake a landscape protection burn in unburnt mallee to reduce bushfire risk between Peebinga, Karte and Murray Sunet.
- Traffic management with reduced speeds will be in place during the burn operation.
- Brownswell Highway will be impacted by smoke.
- Some smoke and fire activity may be observed on the day and following the burn which will be patrolled until it is safe.
The burn will be carried out by NPWS. Local CFS Volunteers have been invited to attend.
A crew will remain on site until it is safe to leave.
NPWS conducts a statewide program of prescribed burns to reduce the spread and intensity of bushfires, protect communities and enhance biodiversity. Prescribed burning is just one tool used to reduce fuel loads across strategic areas of public and private land.
Prescribed burns will only be carried out when it is deemed safe to do so and may be cancelled at short notice if conditions change.
For the most up-to-date information on prescribed burns follow @SAENVIRWATER on Twitter.
A list of planned prescribed burns is available on the DEW website.