Topics > Animals and plants

Developing a Cat Management Strategy for South Australia

DEW is developing a Cat Management Strategy to protect and manage all cats, while considering the social, environmental and economic impacts they cause.

We are working with URPS to develop the strategy, which will be a framework for the state-wide management of owned, unowned and feral cats.

How will the strategy be developed?

The strategy will be developed with stakeholder and industry input.

A Steering Committee has been established to oversee the development of the strategy, which consists of DEW, the Department of Primary Industries and Regions South Australia (PIRSA), Local Government Association and the Dog and Cat Management Board. View the Terms of Reference for the Steering Committee.

A Reference Group comprised of representatives from various organisations across the sector and local government has also been established. The members will contribute to the strategy and associated actions. View the Terms of Reference for the Reference Group.

Next steps

A draft Cat Management Strategy will be released for community feedback in mid-2025.

This page will be updated with news and information relating to the strategy, its development, and opportunities to have your say.