For more information about permits see Hunting permits or go directly to apply online.

An open season for quail hunting has been declared for South Australia in 2025.

This page provides a summary of important information on quail hunting including permitted species and areas for hunting, what restrictions apply and links to permit information.

Quail species

Only stubble quail (Coturnix pectoralis) may be hunted during the 2025 quail open season.

All other quail species are not permitted for hunting (e.g. brown quail, king quail and button quail).

The taking of eggs of any quail species during the open season is prohibited.

Season dates

The open season for stubble quail hunting begins at sunrise on Saturday 26 April 2025 and ends at sunset on Sunday 27 July 2025.

Season times

Stubble quail may only be taken in the period between sunrise and sunset on any given day of the open season.

Daily bag limit

On any day of the open season, a person must not take more than fifteen (15) stubble quail.

Hunting locations

The stubble quail open season applies to the whole of South Australia excluding:

  • all reserves and sanctuaries constituted under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972
  • all wilderness protection areas and all wilderness protection zones constituted under the Wilderness Protection Act 1992
  • all sanctuary zones within any marine park established under the Marine Parks Act 2007
  • an area within 150 metres either side of any barrage structure.

Hunting is permitted on private land or dedicated Crown land with the written permission of the landholder. Use this landowner permission template to seek permission.

Humane hunting requirements

Any hunting of game birds during open season must comply with the Code of practice for the humane destruction of birds by shooting in South Australia. This document outlines the minimum standards and most appropriate, humane method of destroying native animals to minimise pain and suffering.


Stubble quail can only be taken with a firearm that:

  • has a smooth bore diameter of 19 mm or less (12 gauge)
  • can be raised and held at arms’ length and fired from the shoulder with no other support
  • has a capacity of three (3) cartridges or less, or has a plugged magazine preventing more than three (3) cartridges from being loaded.


Stubble quail must not be taken with shot of a diameter more than 4.1 mm.


For each open season, a Quail Hunting Permit is required to hunt or assist someone to hunt stubble quail.

For more information about permits see Hunting permits or go directly to apply online.