Kangaroo Management Reference Group
The Kangaroo Management Reference Group (KMRG) provides advice to DEW on implementation of the South Australian Commercial Kangaroo Management Plan 2025 - 2029. The KMRG advises on quota setting, regulation and compliance, policy and the role of kangaroo harvesting when managing grazing pressure.
The KMRG members are selected based on their skills and experience relevant to their nominated position. The current membership of KMRG encompasses representatives from the kangaroo industry, pastoralism, primary production, Aboriginal, animal welfare and conservation organisations, and relevant government departments (both Federal and State). Scientific support is provided by DEW staff. All members of the Group have knowledge of, or experience in, managing commercially harvested kangaroo species. Members hold their appointed positions for three-year terms.
KMRG meetings are held twice a year, more frequently if a special need arises.
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