Topics > Biodiversity > Threatened species & ecological communities > Recovery planning > Animals

Recovery Plans for threatened freshwater fishes

In the following table, each plan for threatened freshwater fishes is cited by genus, species (and in some cases sub-species, population), common name and name of Recovery Plan (including author, publication year and plan status, eg draft, in prep., etc).

Please click on the name of a plan for a copy.

Species scientific name

Species common name

Recovery Plan name

Chlamydogobius gloveri

Craterocephalus dalhousiensis

Craterocephalus gloveri

Mogurnda thermophila

Neosilurus gloveri

Dalhousie goby

Dalhousie hardyhead

Glover's hardyhead

Dalhousie purple-spotted gudgeon

Dalhousie catfish

Recovery Plan for the community of native species dependent on natural discharge of groundwater from the Great Artesian Basin (Fensham et al. 2010)**


Murray hardyhead

National Recovery Plan for the Murray hardyhead (Backhouse et al. 2008a)

Background and implementation information for the Murray hardyhead National Recovery Plan (Backhouse et al. 2008b)

Galaxiella pusilla

dwarf galaxias

National Recovery Plan for the dwarf galaxias (Saddlier et al. 2010)

Maccullochella macquariensis

trout cod

National Recovery Plan for the trout cod (Trout Cod Recovery Team 2008a)

Background and implementation information for the trout cod National Recovery Plan (Trout Cod Recovery Team 2008b)

Maccullochella peelii peelii

Murray cod

National Recovery Plan for the Murray cod (National Murray Cod Recovery Team 2010a)

Background and implementation information for the Murray cod National Recovery Plan (National Murray Cod Recovery Team 2010b)

Nannoperca obscura

Yarra pygmy perch

National Recovery Plan for the Yarra pygmy perch (Saddlier and Hammer 2010)

Nannoperca variegata

variegated pygmy perch

National Recovery Plan for the variegated pygmy perch (Saddlier and Hammer 2010)

Additional multiple species plans (for various mammals, birds, reptiles and amphibians):


* indicates a species considered extinct in South Australia
** indicates a multiple species plan.

The DEW Biological Database of South Australia has been used as the basis for generating the list of threatened animal species in the above table, following the taxonomic identities recognised by the South Australian Museum and listed in the threatened species schedules of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972. The list is primarily focussed at the species level, but in some instances sub-species are recognised.