Explore and learn
There’s so much to discover when you visit South Australia’s beaches and coast. Start your adventure by learning about our ‘must see’ locations, the incredible plants and animals you might find, and some of the natural wonders that make our coastal environment so special.
Visit the department’s Good Living blog for other ideas on how to immerse yourself in South Australia’s great outdoors.
Watch a recording of a webinar, the History of Adelaide's beaches featuring author and leading coastal expert Professor Andy Short.
Visit the Rock Pool for more information on South Australia’s beautiful marine and coastal environments.
Displaying 61 - 65 of 93 items
If you’re into the creepy, the kooky, the mysterious and spooky, read on as we uncover the dark side of pufferfish.
For a unique nature-based experience, grab your snorkel and swim with spawning squid off SA’s Fleurieu Peninsula.
Want to learn more about the sea lions that call Seal Bay home? Find out how a research tour might fit the bill.
South Australian waters are home to a huge range of fish – including the fabulous seahorse. Here’s where they live.
It’s not just sea lions to look for at this world-class destination. Here’s some tips from our park insider.