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Granite Island Recreation Park will be closed at night for the 21st consecutive year throughout Schoolies Week between 19 to 21 November.
Three osprey chicks have been spotted in a nest which was relocated earlier this year near Bay of Shoals on Kangaroo Island.
“The Coorong and in particular the South Lagoon is still in a highly degraded state so while we’ve been getting flow, additional flow could go a long way to helping the recovery of the Coorong.” That’s one of the resounding messages from a new short film.
The long-term solution to save West Beach is one step closer with a development application being lodged today for the construction of a sand recycling pipeline between Semaphore and West Beach.
The oldest lighthouse in South Australia is set to host the newest tourism destination on Kangaroo Island, with work commencing on the redesign and roll out of the Cape Willoughby visitor precinct.