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Displaying 91 - 95 of 193 items
With hundreds of whales set to call South Australian waters home this winter, an expert marine team has been brushing up on their rescue skills in preparation for the winter migration.
A series of public forums are planned throughout July for community members to learn about early findings from Project Coorong’s Infrastructure Investigations Project.
Visitors will soon get the chance to fly through the treetops at Kuitpo Forest, or to travel across the sea to spot rare seabirds and experience some of SA's coastal regions and islands with a $2.5 million injection into SA's nature-based tourism sector.
One of Adelaide’s last remaining coastal freshwater and estuarine lagoon systems is one step closer to becoming a protected area, following a transfer of land from SA Water to the Minister for Environment and Water.
Members of the Coorong, Lower Lakes and Murray Mouth (CLLMM) - Community Advisory Panel joined staff from the Department for Environment and Water to take part in a Ngarrindjeri-led tour of the Kurangk (Coorong) this week.